GT Animal loving Society

About us

GT Animal Loving Society is the largest and most comprehensive animal leisure center in the Greater Vancouver area and the entire BC Lower Mainland. Our mission is to provide pets of animal lovers with a relaxed, entertaining and comfortable environment, and to create a place where pet owners can communicate and share experiences. We also provide temporary accommodation for pets whose owners are unable to care for them due to various reasons or have to go away for a short period. Additionally, we offer a temporary safe haven for those who want to find new homes for their extra pets, so that animal lovers can adopt them.

Our elegant and comfortable environment covers 16 acres (approximately 64,000 square meters) and includes small hills, small streams, plains and a small lake, where all kinds of animals, whether flying in the sky, walking on the ground, or burrowing underground, can live in harmony all year round.

Over the past few years, we have invested CAD 750,000 to improve various facilities, including sheep pens, dog kennels, cat rooms, and chicken and duck farms. Each room has independent sanitation facilities, sufficient lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, dehumidifiers, televisions, and more, creating a comfortable and quiet environment suitable for animal living. We also have independent bathing facilities, professional hair dryers, and sanitary supplies, and all equipment is readily available. We are constantly investing in and upgrading our network monitoring to improve our services.

We have a caring team with years of rich experience in caring for animals, providing 24/7 care and always ready to assist. More importantly, our caregivers have a love for small animals that surpasses their love for themselves. This invaluable and innate spirit of love brings us together to share and express our love, and we hope to share this joy with all animal lovers. Our environment, facilities, and years of management experience are well-known in the Greater Vancouver area and highly regarded. We welcome and accept donations from all kind-hearted individuals, which will be 100% used to enhance our facilities for animal rescue and living, and optimize the quality of animal care. Animal owners are welcome to bring their pets here to live and play, self-serve showers, dog swimming, barbecues, and many other facilities are provided for free to all kind-hearted individuals. We warmly welcome all donations of pet supplies and funds from animal lovers.

For those who have transportation difficulties, we also provide additional pick-up and drop-off services. Our boarding families currently cover the Lower Mainland area of Greater Vancouver.

We welcome animal lovers with pets to make an appointment to visit, guide and share experiences at any time.

We extend our sincere gratitude to Canada’s Diamond brand for their long-term donations and support towards our rescue efforts. Anyone who purchases Pink Diamond products from our farm will receive a discount.

Special thanks to the SPCA for their donation and guidance.

We also extend our sincere gratitude to Animal Loving Centre for providing permanent adopters with a half-price boarding service.


GT Animal Loving Soceity 是大温地区,乃至整个BC低陆平原最具规模的超大型动物康乐中心。我们的宗旨是为广大的爱护动物人士提供给他们的宠物一个悠闲娱乐,舒适的环境,也让宠物主人有一个可以互相交流,分享心得和经验的场所,也为那些因为各种原因无暇护理,或暂短外出的宠物主人们为他们的小宝宝提供安身住所,也为那些想为他们多余的小宝宝寻找新的家园而提供暂时的栖息之安乐窝,以便让有动物的爱心的人士收留。 

我们这里环境优雅舒适,有小丘陵,小水沟,平原和小湖, 占地面积16英亩, 约合64000平米,无论是天上飞的,地上走的,地底下钻的等等各类动物一年四季都能和平相处。

过去几年来,机构为了完善各类设施已经投资了75万加币,有羊房, 狗房,猫房,和鸡鸭鹅场, 每个房间有独立的卫生设施,足够的灯光,暖气,抽风系统,空调,除湿机,电视机等,完美的创建了适合动物居住的舒适安乐安静的环境, 有独立的洗澡,专业风筒,卫生用品等独立卫生设施,所有设备一应俱全。我们还有正在为网络监控做更多的投入和提升,完善。

我们有多年丰富的看护动物经验的护理团队,24/7护理,随时恭候,更重要的是我们的护理人员有爱护小动物远胜过爱自己的心,而这种难能可贵和与生俱来的爱护精神让大家都走在一起共同发挥和抒发他们的爱心,我们也希望也能与各位有动物爱心的人士一起共享其乐。 我们的环境,设施和多年管理经验享誉了大温地区实至名归的数一数二口碑。我们欢迎并接受各界善心人士的捐款,其善款会100%用于提高我们对动物救助和居住的设施的再提高和护理动物生活质量的最高优化。随时欢迎动物主人带动物来这里居住玩耍,自助冲凉,狗狗游泳,烧烤,很多设施等场地会提供给各个爱心人士无偿使用!我们热烈期待各爱心人士的慷慨捐赠各类宠物用品和善款。


我们的寄养家庭目前涵盖大温低陆平原。 我们欢迎各位有宠物的爱心人士随时预约前来参观,指导和分享经验。谢谢。




We're Ready, Let's Talk.

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19423 Colebrook Rd. Surrey, BC, Canada

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778-708-1234 (English, 广东话,普通话)

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